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Reviving Faith in Portugal: Victoria and the Power of Seventeen Stories

Portugal, a picturesque country steeped in tradition and predominantly Catholic, faces a unique spiritual challenge. “The majority of the population is disconnected from the reality of God, of the Bible,” explains Josue, a dedicated church planter. “Most children don’t know any Bible stories.”

Josue and his wife, Isabel, have taken on the mission of breathing new life into the church. Isabel, a school teacher, uses God’s Big Story, a OneHope resource, to reach the children every Sunday. This resource comprises seventeen Bible stories, presented on cards, making them accessible even to those who cannot read or write.

Isabel leverages a rare opportunity for evangelical teaching in public schools, encouraging her network of teachers to act as missionaries and share these stories in their classrooms. “The challenge in this small window of opportunity is to reach all schools,” Josue emphasizes.

“We have a great group of children who are starving for more in their lives. Most of their parents work all day; some live with their grandparents. They know there must be more,” says Isabel. 

Through the seventeen stories, she and other teachers relate each message back to the gospel, offering children the hope of redemption and salvation.

One of the children Isabel and Josue have encountered from the heart of Evora, Portugal,  is Victoria. Victoria lives with her grandparents and her days are filled with school, play, and occasional visits from her mother. Yet, Victoria’s life took a significant turn when she attended Sunday school for the promise of a party. She found people playing guitars and celebrating, but she also found an intriguing story about a man named Jesus. 

Unexpectedly, she found herself captivated by the stories of God, returning every Sunday to learn more about Jesus.

When Victoria was just five years old, her world was shattered by the loss of her father to cancer. Despite the pain of that early loss, she has found a source of hope and comfort that transcended her sorrow. “I know that Jesus is in my heart,” she shares with a quiet strength. “To me, Jesus is a friend. My… father.” Her words, tender and resolute, echo a profound peace and a glimmer of hope that has carried her through the darkest moments, revealing a faith that is not just inherited but deeply lived.

One Christmas, Isabel gifted Victoria a Bible, which she eagerly used to teach her grandmother, who, despite being unable to read, yearned to understand its message and now follows Christ. 

Through the enthusiasm and faith of children like Victoria, entire families are being touched by God’s word. “That’s why we love the seventeen stories,” Josue reflects. ”You tell the story of God, and the Spirit of God will do the rest.” 

Victoria’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith, as one child’s newfound belief ripples through her family. In the midst of Portugal’s spiritual awakening, Josue and Isabel’s mission reminds us that through the simplicity of seventeen stories, hearts are being renewed, and hope is flourishing.

Watch & Share Victoria’s story to spread the message of hope through God’s Word Every Child

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