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September 2024 Global Report

World Without Sickness crosses borders and meets children where they are — at school!

World Without Sickness is one of the most popular OneHope programs in schools. It contains Scripture and a Gospel message and invitation — and it is packed with important information about hygiene, fitness, and sanitation that children from many poverty-stricken regions desperately need.

It’s often delivered together with a toothbrush because it focuses on dental hygiene — a subject many kids in the developing world haven’t received.

In fact, World Without Sickness is so in demand, that recently a delegation from one of our partner churches that was visiting a church in a restricted access nation was able to bring World Without Sickness books into the restricted area and conduct the program for local children. Sixty young people learned about health and hygiene — and committed their lives to Christ!

The local church is now offering discipleship to these young people, and asked for World Without Sickness so they can continue reaching other boys and girls with the Good News in a way that’s welcomed everywhere — even in places where missionaries may not be able to go!

Fast Facts About World Without Sickness

Thyda’s Story of Hope

Thyda didn’t understand why he was unwanted. His mother seemed to love his sisters … but she rejected him. In fact, he wasn’t even allowed to call her “mother.” He lives with his grandmother because his mother just didn’t want him around.

In his majority-Buddhist nation, where Christians are often persecuted and prevented from sharing the Gospel, Thyda nevertheless found hope in Jesus — because you reached out to him!

You sent the World Without Sickness program to a community center outreach where Thyda was enrolled in free music lessons. He joined a friend in the World Without Sickness program and soon learned about Jesus — and how to take care of his body and stay healthy, too.

Today Thyda says:

“Jesus does not only save me from sins and give me eternal life, but I feel that I am loved by Him and by my teachers at Jesus’ school.”

Thanks for showing Thyda that he is loved and can hope in Jesus!

Today Thyda knows that he is loved by Jesus and his new Christian friends!

A new way to reach
Africa’s next generation — physically and spiritually

In parts of Africa, some communities have no access to basic sanitation and little knowledge of hygiene practices.

  • UNICEF found that more than 70% of the population in Eastern and Southern Africa has no access to basic sanitation services.
  • Most people throughout these regions do not wash their hands with soap and water, and over 117 million children have no access to handwashing facilities in their schools.1

This lack of basic hygiene knowledge makes children susceptible to many ailments and diseases, which is why our World Without Sickness will be extremely valuable for these communities. This program beautifully shares the Gospel while providing health, hygiene, and sanitation instruction to children.

We developed nine translations of World Without Sickness for Africa, working alongside our partners to contextualize the program to meet the specific needs of the African communities we serve. 

World Without Sickness

includes the Scriptures and Gospel message plus lessons about drinking clean water, dental hygiene, practices to help prevent malaria and intestinal worms, and more.

The practical hygiene aspect of this program often opens doors to schools where local church partners usually might not be able to share about Jesus, and we can then connect the children to a local church. Also, although this program is developed for children, its practices benefit the whole family.

The power of the Gospel, paired with practical health tips, can create a ripple effect throughout communities!


You are catalyzing a
movement in Puerto
Rico — and beyond!

OneHope’s desire of catalyzing a movement to reach every child in every generation means that we partner with local churches and sister ministries in nations worldwide.

In Puerto Rico, our partners are building a network of cooperating churches and ministries — and it is making a big impact!

It began on June 6, 2022, when we introduced eight youth pastors to OneHope and our programs.

They were excited about the potential to reach the next generation and organized a Global Youth Culture training event with children and youth ministry leaders and teachers — an event that concluded with an outdoor celebration with local children and young people invited.

About 75 teens and younger children attended the event, and 10 chose to follow Jesus!

The network of support for reaching the next generation was off to a great start. The next challenge came when Hurricane Fiona struck the island. Our partners worked together to deliver compassionate aid and God’s Word to children and families in need.

Next, we sent a missions team to a nearby restricted-access nation with the World Without Sickness program, sharing God’s Word and instructions for hygiene and health with children living in poverty-stricken areas and training local believers in OneHope programs.

Says partner Raquel M. Pacheco-Tosana, a Puerto Rican pastor, “All of these activities came to be because of a meeting held on June 6th to explain what OneHope is, a living testimony of what it means to catalyze a movement.”

Thank you for being part of it!

Never underestimate the power of a catalyst

By OneHope President Rob Hoskins

Never underestimate how seemingly small incidents, circumstances, or experiences can end up changing your world. All of history is built from small catalysts.

John Ambrose Fleming, the great inventor, was going deaf and was compelled “to find some instrument to record radiotelegraphic signals which would appeal to the eye and not the ear” — the catalyst for all visual technology.

Asa Whitney, bankrupt, decided to go to China to make a fortune. He certainly made enough money while there to retire, but was amazed at how long the journey was from the U.S. to China. This catalyzed a vision to make continental travel easier by building a railroad across the U.S. – and the Transcontinental Railroad was born.

I drive the same way to work every day – except for the one day that changed my life. Stopped at a light, I heard that inner voice say, “Take a right turn.” I encountered an at-risk neighborhood called Avondale. That encounter has guided my thinking and directed my praxis on community transformation that has led to the building of schools, writing a doctoral dissertation, and co-authoring the book Change Your World with leadership expert John C. Maxwell.

Sometimes when we don’t take small right turns, nothing changes. Sometimes it’s a gentle nudge, a slight deviation, a new turn that can invade the mundane, routine of life and dramatically reorient how we think, act, and live.

We are all looking to change our world. We often look to large-scale schemes, political initiatives, and people of power to make it happen – but history proves it usually starts with a small revelation, a simple catalyst, that moves something within us to start us on a new path. Belief begins to grow as we engage the new.

We begin to value it, champion it, and then give our life to it. Asa Whitney characterizes the journey of agents of transformation this way, “Now is the time in which it can be done someone’s whole efforts, energies, and life must be devoted to it.”




Goshant went to a training session for how to use our World Without Sickness program, and now he has launched a kids club in his village with 22 children learning about Jesus and learning important lessons about health and hygiene, too!


Our special edition Counterculture Scripture book is designed to help teenagers see how living for God is the best way in a sin-darkened culture. When the moms of one city heard about it, they all immediately demanded it for their teen daughters!


Abilio’s friends recruited him into a gang, and he soon was immersed in a life of crime. But when he met a OneHope team member and heard about a different life he could be leading, he was intrigued. He took our special-edition Book of Hope with a focus on freedom from addiction … and he has left the gang and is following Jesus!


You’re getting God’s Word to children in the hard-to-reach places


It was an exciting Christmas in Asia celebration!

Sunya traveled from a large city in the traditionally Buddhist nation where she lives to a smaller village where she conducted a children’s program for the local church that is quite small and had no children’s ministry at all.

The kids in the village responded with enthusiasm and wanted to know more about Jesus!

This inspired Sunya to begin a regular outreach there, using our Superbook program. Superbook is great for younger children and anyone who can’t read or can’t write well because it incorporates Bible stories in video format that children love.

Thanks to your partnership, Sunya was able to use OneHope Scripture programs to touch the lives of dozens of children and open the door for a new children’s ministry in a remote village.

Praise God for opening this door in one of the hard-to-reach places of the world so that young lives can be transformed!


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